Fixing the US Economy Through Sports Investing

The world is full of fans of sports, both playing and watching which creates a passion that some will argue is stronger than anything on this planet. Some people like to convert their passion for sports into a career and for those that can’t play the sports, there are jobs writing about sports, talking about sports, sports stores, teaching sports,etc, etc. Today, those looking to profit from their passion in sportsmay have a better way.

With President Trump being a business man, one would think he would be looking for ways to ‘Make America Great Again’. I ask the question – is there really a better way than the tax dollars that would be generated from a ‘Sports Stock Market’?

This market would actually create jobs and give the leagues the added revenue that makes sports betting so attractive. An investment market doesn’t carry the social problems that betting on sports does. Not to mention that all the issues caused by betting on sports all come at the expense of the fans and the integrity of the sports themselves.

The wheel doesn’t have to be reinvented, or even invented for that matter. The fact is, all the laws that would be needed to open a ‘performance based sports stock market’ are already in place due to the stock market as we know it today. A ‘sports stock market’, unlike Daily Fantasy Sports, does not need every state to make new laws. DFS tried and is still fighting, but barely, to bring in a type of sports betting dressed as a game. People have caught on to this and the ‘easy way’ into sports betting seems to have run into a major problem which is the fact that sports betting is illegal in 95{91334d9f29cb6757b1139bfd5d3bfe5cbc890f88eb8ef562a6c21800acb4f92d} of the country.

If Mr.Trump truly would like to ‘Make America Great Again’ he should take a look at the money that can be made through sports investing and the money that can be saved by stomping out the idea of legalized sports betting.  Should Mr. Trump stand up and support this as a businessman of his stature and understanding of free markets is very likely to do, he would instantly cement himself as the man  that ‘Made Sports Great Again’ and would have NO problem winning a second term.

More information on a “New Sports Economy” can be found at Crystal World Holdings and AllSportsMarket.