10 Habits of Managing Personal Finance That Can Make the Future Bright

A month’s salary is only passing by. Almost half of the salary is spent on paying debts.

If these two ‘phenomena’ often repeat, there is something wrong with how to manage our finances. One of the things that makes our finances in shambles is our own habits.

We are not used to the discipline of managing finances and cannot distinguish between passion and need. If you really want to improve financial conditions, now is the time.

 Take a look!

  1. Track income and expenses

Often we don’t care about our expenses. Where have our monthly salaries gone? Tracking income and expenses can be done by making simple bookkeeping. If you don’t want to bother you can use the financial regulator application on your smartphone.

  1. Check the bill

Accustomed to checking bills is important.

  1. Saving, saving, saving

The habit of saving indeed needs to be nurtured from an early age. But it’s not too late for you who aren’t used to it.

Begin to set aside a small portion of your salary. This is important for reserve funds or future funds.

  1. Take advantage of credit cards

Monthly shopping and buying tickets will be easier. Not infrequently credit cards offer promos, rewards points and cash back.

  1. Always make an expense post

After payday, it always makes expenditure posts.

  1. Avoid unnecessary costs

Often late to pay bills and fined, using brokers, breaking traffic that ends in a ticket.  If you don’t discipline in trivial matters like how to manage your money wisely?

7. Always set target

There is a principle in ‘let it flow’ life. This principle is not wrong.

But setting targets in life will be much better. For example, when you turn 30 you have to have a home. 35 years old must have their own business.

Install any target. Can be a career, finance or business

But don’t just install empty targets. Hold on to the target and try to fulfill it

8. Self evaluation

Self evaluation. Don’t wait for the end of the year for evaluation. Evaluating  and things that have been done is a good habit. With evaluation we can learn not to fall into the same hole

9. Anticipation

Anticipating events that have not yet happen must be done.

10. Think long

Think long and forward. Investing your funds includes examples of long thinking.

Now, have you applied the above habits yet? If not, there’s no word late