Introduction and objectives of reinforcement of slopes

Retrograde / Revetments are retrofitting structures placed on river banks to absorb incoming water energy to protect a river bank cliff or the surface of the embankment slope against erosion and overtopping to land and overall play a role in improving the stability of the river channel or the body of the embankment Protected. Besides being used to protect river slopes, revertment is also commonly used to protect levees, or beaches.

The surface of the building facing the direction of the waves can be either vertical or oblique. This building can be made of stone, concrete, concrete pipe, plaster, wood or rock pile or some kind of revertment produced by the factory as you can see in But what is often encountered in the field is a revertment made of stone piles with the outer layer consists of stones with a larger size.

Slope reinforcement factors in rivers

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Ways to Teach Children to Love to Save Early

It’s never too early to start teaching kids about money. You can teach kids about money at school age because children learn additions, deductions, and other math concepts at school. Parents can build some important fiscal skills, such as savings. As they get older, they can start making some decisions about money, such as deciding how to spend their allowance.

Teaching children love to save early must be understandable to the parents. Teaching the baby to set aside money in his possession when he was still very small is a very positive thing that later can become a habitual pattern for him to determine his life and achievement in the future. Giving an understanding the child to save is obviously not easy. Thought that is still very early would make it just thinking to play. Such conditions clearly become a challenge for your parents to be able to direct the …

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Why You Must Choose Siteground

Siteground’s reputation is excellent in the online business world. I read a lot of recommendations about Siteground from various articles, and I concluded that siteground is far more profitable than the others or shared hosting. So not just any review of articles written by ordinary people, but from this article written directly by businessmen or people who are experts in their fields and I trust the article.

There is something that is owned by Siteground in one of the hosting plan that initially made me interested to try it are:

Have a separate Database Server and run on an SSD hard disk. This ensures a much better access speed and quality than shared hosting in general.

Features WordPress Staging Facility. This makes the process of website changes, wordpress updates and plugin upgrades to be more secure because you can do the test first, without disturbing your website is being Live.…

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5 ways to Begin a Successful Startup

5 ways to make a retail start-up successful

If you have a business plan, idea, or model and you want to pursue it, now is the time to do it. Startups are the new black meaning that these smaller, newer businesses are popping up faster than a Starbucks on a busy street corner. More and more cities across the world are becoming “startup friendly” and inviting smaller businesses into their communities via investor opportunities, remote offices, and even financial support.

If you are thinking about taking your business idea to the next level and launching your startup, here are 5 ways to make sure that it is a success.


  1. Get financial backing. Money is the main thing that will make or break your startup’s success. Make sure you have the right finances before even taking this step. Find local investors in your area and pitch your idea to them.
  2. Find experts in the industry. Even if you know
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Easy Ways to Save Money

Have you ever heard the term freedom or financial independence, financial freedom is an achievement in terms of finance where the owner can use the money for various needs. The owner was freed from the problems that surround it such as debt, credit, and so forth. One way to gain financial freedom is to save money. Save money is the best way to avoid spending money excessively. We know that without our control sometimes easier to spend money for purposes that are not the top priority. For any small things we had to spend much money.

Frugal does not mean cheap or reluctant to spend money on needs, saving is the restriction on spending only for purposes that are really needed, saving is the efficiency of spending as needed. Save money contrary to the extravagant lifestyle that only a waste of money for purposes outside the priority. If not anticipated …

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